Thursday, 2 July 2015

Mindless Vandalism

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Today's Comet had a two page spread on our contribution to the Hitchin Festival.

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The main news item focused on the vandalism done to one of the exhibits.

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It's back!

This morning, I was working on the database at the British Schools' Museum and decided to go and have a look to see if everything was still there and in good condition. Clare's litter campaign was back in its rightful place,beside the river, instead of in it.

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The Nursery Rhyme tree

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and banner were still intact

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as were  the butterflies

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As I made my way past the Festiwool tree, I spotted something

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which was joined by a second 'something'.

It is nice to see that our installation has no adverse effect on the local fauna.

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Just as the Fountain in the river  the Hiz alongside St Mary's, commemorates the life of Sir Ian Dixon,, so our project commemorates the church's medieval roots with the wool industry,

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