Saturday, 5 March 2016
Starting Over
I'm back at the Nuffield Health and Fitness Centre. My MOT showed that I'm not quite as unfit as I thought. My weight is up by 5kg and my aerobic capacity is only 'average' for my age group, but my BP, resting pulse rate, and fasting glucose levels are good (that did surprise me).
I've started to increase my daily activity by using the Vivofit 2 The Daughter and Son-in-Law bought me for Christmas. I set myself an easy target of 8000 steps per day, and hope to increase that on our trip to Southwold, beginning next Friday.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was a Tai Chi class on Tuesdays. The tutor is Dennis Lee. He's very good, paces well and encourages his pupils with gentle humour, praise, and excellent teaching. The class is divided into three sections; 15 minutes warm up with Qigong and breathing exercises; 15 minutes of Qigong stick form (in only two weeks, we're already up to 4:15 in the video below); 15 minutes Chen Tai Chi Form.
The class following Tai Chi is called 'Get Moving'. It's low-impact dance done to swing band and accapella.
So, now I have my bass markers, I can begin again to build stamina and fitness.I'm hoping to get back in the pool once I've had a session with the swimming instructor to stop me damaging my knees with breast-stroke kick.