Sunday, 21 February 2021



what is it? 

Abraham Maslow suggested that the need to belong was a major source of human motivation. He thought that it was one of five human needs in his hierarchy of needs, along with physiological needs, safety, self-esteem, and self-actualization. 

The need to be needed is rooted in our need for a sense of contribution to something beyond ourselves. When this need is unfulfilled in the case of job loss, divorce, or significant life-transitions, we may find ourselves beginning to lack a sense of contribution.

In other words, when Eamonn was alive, all my needs were fulfilled. Without him, the need to contribute something useful - to belong - is not.

My hopes of starting a local drop-in event at the Community Cenre, for those who are alone, have lost someone (no matter how recently) and those who are struggling with grief, took a step in the right direction recently.

Last Tuesday, my gardener, Bex, had complimented me on the success of my seedlings over the winter. The sweet peas are in need of support and will need potting on again before hardening off later in the year, but they look very healthy.

As for the lettuces, it is not supposed to be possible to grow them over the winter. So to get them to this stage is quite an achievement. Bex's little pep talk gave me a great boost.

So, later in the week, when I received the invitation to attend the online training session to set up a Pop Up Cafe under the umbrella of The Good Grief Trust, I jumped at the chance. I decided to test the waters and gauge the need for a local Pop Up Cafe. I posted in the Local Facebook Page of which I am a member. Response was immediate. I had set up a Facebook Page for the Pop Up Cafe I am hoping to start. There are already 15 members wishing to join the cafe with many offering to help as volunteers. A local County Counsellor has offered her support.

I'm learning to dance in the rain - and inviting others to join me.

Who knows, my mad idea of setting up a mobile Pop Up Cafe for my travels in Levant II later in the year, doesn't seem so far fetched. There are lots of solo campers who would welcome the idea, I am sure.

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