For the past few months, I've been raging against Lockdown, needing to see my friends, family, and social groups, not just virtually. With every setback I've had, it's been harder and harder for me to go out and mix. The result of that is that my health, both mental and physical has suffered.
Two friends asked me the same question after I had explained that I was stuck in a negative loop, afraid to go out, and lacking in confidence; "What would Eamonn say if he were here?"
My reply - He wouldn't say anything that even hinted at advice or telling me how I should feel. He'd probably say "I'm going for a walk, do you want to come".
He worried that, as we got older and more frail, the temptation was to stay at home; to become reclusive; and he knew that was bad for me. He didn't really need company. The one person he needed was me. But he understood that, like most humans, I'm a social animal. That doesn't mean I'm a party animal, far from it. I need contact with other people to stay healthy.
I realised I'd had slipped into a vicious circle of negativity when speaking to an old school-friend on Facetime this morning. She helped me unravel what is at the root of that. To be completely honest, I've been wallowing in self-pity and woe is me I am all alone. This is a great insult to those friends and family who have remained by my side and care for me. I've ignored all the signs of their caring and for that I am truly sorry.
I posted this earlier on Facebook,
It's not just soulmates who can stand up to you and challenge you, good friends can do that to.
Another friend told me to try and re-ignite my positive self. So, here goes.
I know that it's in my hands and I have wandered from the path to recovery. I'm back on track thanks to those good people I have in my life. I'll get there with a little help from my friends.
That's a good attitude to have. He would very much want that for you.
Gill O
Thanks, Gill. I know he would. That's why I go on.