Sunday, 15 November 2020

Effort and work seems to be paying off at last

After breakfast in the Conservatory during a rainstorm, I hung the washing up indoors and put a loaf on to bake. Then I spent the rest of the morning, busily doing nothing while listening to the final chapters of an audible book. The Conservatory is a lovely room now, especially when the sun is shining - which it was.

Alf thinks the room is great, too, especially after he had an early bath in the downpour and came back to roll in his heirloom towel, then bask in the warm sunshine. It was so warm, even without heating, that I had to open both side widows to let in some cool fresh air. The one thing Alf hates is when he spots a squirrel - the one he is convinced is the monster responsible for all the noise after dark, on certain nights of the year - and I won't let him out to kill said noise monster.

The Conservatory is a magical place, no matter what the weather. The light is always changing as the weather changes. The views of the garden are different when viewed through the lense of double glazing drenched in rain that is coming down in buckets. 

The room is the nicest in the house in which to relax without the distraction of the TV or the siren's call of the laptop. Lunch is a proper meal, taken at a table overlooking a lovely view that bears testament to everything towards which I have worked this year

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